Remember these are just possible suggestions and not always the right solution to your individual problem. If you have questions about what your garage door is doing, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call to help troubleshoot your individual problem.
Photo Eyes | Sensors | ISB’s
How to open the garage door when the power is out?
Why does my garage door close all the way then open?
Why should I tune-up my garage door?
What do I do after I back into my garage door?
My garage door is crooked?
Why does my garage door not close all the way?
Why is my garage door opener loud?
Why does my garage door not open all the way?
Why are the cables loose on my garage door?
Repair garage doors – There are so many things that can go wrong with them. Homeowners may not realize the garage door is the largest moving wall in their home. Many times it can be a very simple fix such as a misaligned ISB (infrared safety beam), reprogramming a remote or the garage door is making a loud noise. What ever your garage door or garage door opener is or is not doing, some answers to your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).